Yvon Huang on Superpeer
Founder of UXY・Remote UX Consultant・Mama of Twins
Yvon 是 UXY 由思創新創辦人兼導師,致力於培養 UX 思維人才,幫助學員創造新職涯。教學之餘,同時也是 Toptal 遠距 UX 設計顧問,協助全球各地的新創公司優化數位產品。過去曾是 Sketch 全分散式團隊中唯一在亞洲時區的設計師成員,以及 Codementor. KKBOX 的產品設計師。此外,Yvon 也是一對龍鳳雙胞胎的媽媽,在工作與生活中都不斷持續學習成長。 除此之外,Yvon 於 2018 年獲選為 Girls in Tech 台灣 40 位年度設計類人物代表,也是全球線上設計學習平台 Designlab 與 Snapask 子品牌 Sofasoda 上認證的使用者經驗導師,她對於設計教學十分有熱忱,期望可以幫助學員更了解使用者經驗設計的樣貌! Yvon is a multidisciplinary UX designer, specializing in UX design for consumer SaaS products and marketplace platforms. She has over 8 years of experience in optimizing digital products for industry-leading companies such as Sketch. Arc. KKBOX, Yahoo, and etc. Currently, she works as a UX consultant at Total and a mentor at UXY program. Besides Yvon's design career, she is also active in several entrepreneur communities. She was the 2017 scholar and the venture pitch winner of MIT global Bootcamp (Massachusetts Institute of Technology). Moreover, Yvon support and advocate for female professionals in Taiwan tech industry and is the 2018 representative in design for 40 Under 40 selected by Girls in Tech Taiwan.