Paul Smith on Superpeer
Making music magic
Director of Symphonic Laboratory - San Francisco Why do some musicians knock your socks off when they play? To be a world-class musician, you have to think like a world-class musician, and you have to work like one, too. Look, none of us spend all those years practicing our instruments because we hope to become yet another musician, playing boring concerts just to keep people entertained. We want more. We want to create truly extraordinary music that deeply moves people and leaves them changed forever. And was want that for ourselves. We know it is possible because we have seen it happen. Fortunately, it's not just genius or luck. You can learn how to create moving performances. Paul Smith has been teaching musicians how to perform at the highest level for decades. Some of his former students hold permanent positions in major orchestras, such as the Detroit Symphony and the Metropolitan Opera Orchestra. Our musicianship workshops are for serious musicians like you, who have achieved technical mastery (at any level), who are intellectually curious, and who have a hunger to make great music. If you believe it's possible to be just as compelling as the greatest, then this is the place for you. We're here to teach you what it takes to become a world-class musician. We offer intensive sessions combining music analysis with rigorous rehearsal methods to bring about transcendent performances, using proven, learnable methods adapted from those created by masters like Bernstein and Celibidache. Paul was a conducting student of Leonard Bernstein and he studied conducting in Munich and at The Curtis Institute of Music under Sergiu Celibidache.