Sanjay Singh on Superpeer
chief @nukhufest curated vid by creators + founder @daspiceclub cannabis culture
Sanjay Singh is an artist from New York. He likes to imagine and build stuff. After studying Film and Television at New York University, Tisch School of the Arts, he founded nukhu (noo-koo), and produced commercial media content for healthcare providers, financial service providers, quick-service-restaurants, fashion brands, craft restaurants, alcohol manufacturers, technology groups, cannabis start-ups, non-profit organizations, and small businesses. nukhu has evolved into a community of curated stories and storytellers. In 2013, he co-directed the documentary "The American People." The film chronicles everyday Americans and their concerns about the most important issues facing their country. In 2016, he launched, a film festival curated by creators. nukhu has produced original content such as “Otis” and recently “Highpothetically,” a film starring, written, directed, and edited by Sanjay about his experiences in New York cannabis activism.