mattia crespi on Superpeer
Futurist and Technology Evangelist. Strategic Consultant.
Technology strategist and innovation expert, Mattia is a Research Affiliate of the Institute For The Future, and is linked to other Research and Innovation Hubs worldwide, with specific focus on the Silicon Valley innovation ecosystem. In 2012 Mattia founds Qbit Technologies Inc, an award-winning Palo Alto Start-up, developing Virtual and Augmented Reality solutions for enterprises. Futurist, technology evangelist, expert in virtual and augmented reality, Mattia interacts with innovators globally, to bridge research on new technologies, future governance ecosystems and the business environment. As a futurist, Mattia's work focuses on emerging forms of governance, emerging digital technologies and the evolution of the Internet. In the early days of my career, I started working in marketing and advertising, having always a passion for creativity, arts and design. At the time, advertising for me was a good halfway in between arts and business, as this was where I thought I would want to be. Today, after 23 years working for various companies, consulting and starting up technology companies, my expertise has evolved around innovation, technology and the implications for large enterprises and organizations. My education and work experience touched various countries, from Switzerland to the UK and the US, in particular the San Francisco Bay Area. I worked in and out of Silicon Valley for about 15 years. Initially working as an external partner of Linden Lab (the Second Life company). In 2008 I started collaborating with the Institute For The Future in Palo Alto, the leading future studies institution in the world. As an IFTF Research Affiliate I work as a field expert in emerging technologies such as virtual and augmented reality and in developing partnership projects internationally. These can include innovative technology development projects, executive training or strategic planning consulting, specifically focused on future foresight, scenario planning and resilience strategies. I the last 15 years, I developed a strong expertise in VR and AR, defense related projects and large industrial simulation training projects. In these years I founded and co-founded a few AR/VR startups, including ISN Virtual Worlds, Qbit Technologies and OVR and I am currently the CEO of Qbit Technologies, a company I founded in 2014. As CEO of 3 startups, I have had the chance to manage international teams and projects for leading international brands, in telecommunications, fashion, luxury retail goods, energy, governments, defense, postal and logistics infrastructures.