Portfolio Review with Isaiah Cardona
This 30-minute session includes a full evaluation and critique of your creative portfolio. The goal is to help new designers like you take your portfolio to the next level by improving the overall presentation and elevating the strengths of your work. When I was a student, I found portfolio reviews so crucial in building a portfolio that would get me hired. As a professional it was important to me to become a reviewer and help others improve their work. And now I'm offering these portfolio reviews for my Skillshare students. What you can expect in this session: • Portfolio Feedback: I will review your portfolio prior to our call and provide feedback with the goal of making the final presentation more attractive to potential employers. • Presentation Techniques: How you discuss the work can be crucial in landing a job especially for those interested in the advertising industry. So I will assess and provide tips on how to improve the presentation of the work. Who will benefit: • This session is geared towards graphic designers and those interested in working in the advertising industry.