İbrahim Sarbay on Superpeer
EM specialist, Tech Enthusiast
Ibrahim Sarbay is an Emergency Medicine Specialist living in Turkey. He graduated from KOU School of Medicine in 2011, and has a Master's Degree in Health Care Administration. Writing online since 2002, Sarbay published more than 1,000 posts mostly about science, life tips, self-improvement and values. He co-founded Opereyşın, one of the most notable community blogs of Turkey, in 2005. He has been selected as a Top Writer of Medium Turkey in 2016. He won the Young Talents Award in TATKON 2019 Congress. His dissertation was one of the very first dissertations about COVID-19 published in Turkey. Currently, writes for a favorite Turkish FOAMed blog, acilci.net, and iEM Education Project. He also shares his journey of learning through social media and likes researching, web programming, and making infographics. He is a member of the Front Desk team of Turkish Journal of Emergency Medicine which has a CiteScore of 3.1 as of 2020.