Espree Devora on Superpeer
"the girl who gets it done"
Espree Devora recently featured in INC Magazine as one of the top 30 women in tech to follow and known as “the Girl who Gets it Done” uses technology and digital content to thoughtfully connect people in the tech industry and move them from online connections to meaningful offline relationships. Her company creates high quality digital content including podcasts, technology and curated offline experiences focused on the Los Angeles tech and global women in tech ecosystems. These resources help community accelerate in business via authentically connecting. You can listen her podcasts “WeAreLATech” and “Women in Tech” by going to and The purpose of Women in Tech podcast is to empower listeners to expand their minds showing them what’s possible leaving each episode with the thought “If she can do it, so can I.” The purpose of WeAreLATech podcast is to quickly immerse any listener into the Los Angeles tech ecosystem. To date she has published over 700 episodes.