Portfolio Review with DKNG Studios
This 30-minute session includes a full evaluation and critique of your creative portfolio. The goal is to help creatives like you take your art to the next level by improving overall presentation, honing in on the strengths of your work, and ultimately helping you get more of the work you want. Here’s what you can expect: • Portfolio Enhancement: We will provide feedback on the strengths and weaknesses of your portfolio, with the goal of making the final presentation as attractive to potential clients and employers as possible. • Curation Techniques: Not all portfolios have to take a “Jack of all Trades” approach. You may find that your biggest selling point is in a specific specialization and we’ll help you to distill your portfolio to feature what makes you and your work unique. • For all Creatives: Although we specialize in graphic design and illustration, we can certainly give you useful feedback on your body of work, even if it’s outside our specific creative field.