Çağlar Çakıcı on Superpeer
As a cyber security expert with over 20 years of experience, I have honed my skills in offensive security, including red teaming, penetration testing, and reverse engineering. My extensive knowledge in these areas has allowed me to lead numerous different types of projects in enterprise companies successfully. Throughout my career, I have built a dream team of over 120+ colleagues who share my passion for cybersecurity. With a focus on collaboration and innovation, we have delivered customized solutions to end users, clients, and 3rd parties. My experience spans both consultancy and customer-side roles, allowing me to gain a holistic understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing organizations today. If you are looking for a dedicated cyber security professional who can provide strategic guidance and practical solutions, let's connect! Talks, Podcasts, Web Casts: - Cyber Security Heroes Series - Çağlar Çakıcı https://youtu.be/IWiW0f8cu60?si=2xWQ3AQ3REbDCwuz - CIDC 2023 - Speaker - cyber security in e-commerce https://cidc.gov.az/speakers - DevOps Talks | DevSecOps ve Kubernetes Security https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8bQO1nubEAY&t=711s - Trendyol Techdays'21 Application Security Process https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHVxUjfXLWY&ab_channel=TrendyolTech - Panelist https://www.linkedin.com/posts/stmthinktech_thinktech-odaktoplantaftsaft-activity-6861665146754879488-y-iP - Trendyol'da Siber Güvenlik Yöneticisi Olmak - Çağlar Çakıcı https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DjpXr3xloFo&ab_channel=AhmetBu%C4%9Fra%C3%87ak%C4%B1c%C4%B1 - Herkes İçin Güvenlik | Bölüm-13: Kurumsal Yapılarda Güvenlik Mimarisi - Çağlar Çakıcı https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9JeHGkRn6_g - IDC IT Security Roadshow 2021 - Bug Bounty: The other side of the table https://www.idc.com/mea/events/68126-idc-it-security-roadshow-2021#category_10 - RedTeamOps https://blog.deepsec.net/deepsec-2020-talk-redteamops-mert-can-coskuner-caglar-cakici/ - Security Pipeline https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZIXQbfkrEMU - RedTeamOps DEF CON Red Team Village https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6JLcHJYWCc - E-Ticarette Siber Güvenlik https://www.twitch.tv/videos/585716612 - Osquery ile open source EDR. IstSec 2019 - Osquery ile open source EDR https://www.bgasecurity.com/etkinlik/netsec-some-ve-soc-ekipleri-icin-acik-kaynak-guvenlik-cozumleri/ - CYBER SECURITY IN E-COMMERCE Cydef 2018 http://www.cydef.org/