Mehmet Atakan Foça on Superpeer
Founder of Teyit
Mehmet Atakan Foça started journalism as a reporter for a local newspaper in 2009. After his internship in Bianet in the summer of 2011, he worked as an editor for the Refugee TV news site, which was launched by Amnesty International Turkey. During the internship in BBC Turkish, London in the summer of 2013, he met with topics such as mobile journalism, digital media and the future of journalism, and headed to this field. He led to the translation of the Verification Handbook to Turkish. Due to works of verification on his Twitter account, Foça was awarded by Transparency International. Foça founded Teyit in 2016 as a non-partisan and independent fact-checking organization. He has been announced as a fellow by Ashoka, the largest social entrepreneurship network in the world.