We will start this journey with understanding your motivation. Why should you, specifically, start talking at conferences? How can you benefit from being a speaker? How will it help you in your life? And how can you overcome the self-doubts of imposter syndrome?
We will look at 10 different types of conference talks, and will do exercises to find a topic that you can deliver. It’s a lot easier than you think!
Now that you know what kind of a talk you will deliver and have a topic, we will get started with writing proposals for your talks. We will introduce a platform where you can create your talks, find conferences to apply for, and submit your proposals.
We will look into tips and tricks about preparing for your speech and delivering a great experience for your audience during your time on stage. We will talk about mastering adrenaline, body posture, timing, and introduce exercises for you to practice for your speech.
Now that you have a talk submitted to a conference, it’s time for you to practice before an audience. In this last part of the workshop, we will host lightning talks of five minutes each from our audience. I will give practical tips on how you can improve your performance for the real gig!